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November 2015 – TFT re-engage with Golden Agri-Resources (GAR)
November 2015 – TFT re-engage with Golden Agri-Resources (GAR)
News 16/11/2015

Final Update on re-engagement by TFT on GAR’s Upstream Plantation Operations

Following the suspension of TFT’s work with GAR on its upstream operations on 19 May 2015, the two organisations agreed on a series of time bound conditions which would see a return to full collaboration. Regular progress updates have been posted on the GAR Sustainability Dashboard.

This document represents the final public summary of the progress that GAR and TFT have made towards the completion of the criteria. GAR’s progress and the launch of the updated and enhanced GAR Social and Environmental Policy (GSEP) has led to TFT’s re-engagement of GAR’s upstream arm. As of 30th October 2015, TFT has resumed cooperation with PT SMART Tbk. GAR and TFT will now work together to ensure the implementation and success of the GSEP which will help to tackle the complex causes of environmental issues including fire and haze, and social issues. In line with their commitment to transparency, GAR will continue to post updates on their progress in implementing the GSEP on the GAR Sustainability Dashboard.

GAR re-engagement

GAR media statement

GAR sustainability statement

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Área de atuação:
Healthy Forests Agricultores resilientes

Óleo de Palma

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