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An independent review of PT SMART’s palm oil sourcing has acknowledged evidence of tangible progress on the ground
An independent review of PT SMART’s palm oil sourcing has acknowledged evidence of tangible progress on the ground
News 01/06/2012

As of January 2019, TFT has become Earthworm Foundation.

A report published by Greenomics, an Indonesian environmental NGO, has found concrete evidence that PT SMART is delivering on its commitment to avoid the clearing of carbon intensive forest in Indonesian Borneo.

PT SMART, a subsidiary of Golden Agri Resources (GAR) has worked closely with TFT to devise and deliver on a forest conservation policy that includes protecting forests with high conservation and carbon values and ensures the free, prior, informed consent of the communities living in and around palm oil concessions.

Greenomics used satellite imagery and permit data to analyze activities across three GAR companies in the region and found clear evidence that secondary peat swamp forests have been preserved. This analysis was supported by data showing that GAR had reduced its deforestation payments, indicating that land its companies cleared had low volumes of timber.

These conclusions are significant since Greenomics has previously been sceptical of GAR’s conservation policy. It shows that GAR’s commitment to ‘no deforestation’ through palm oil sourcing, supported by TFT’s experts on the ground, is broadly on track.

‘This is an encouraging sign that things are heading in the right direction’, said TFT’s Executive Director, Scott Poynton. ‘But no-one’s getting complacent. Greenomics has also highlighted a number of things that need to improve and which PT SMART and TFT need to look at’.

Details on Greenomics report

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