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Speak Up! Use this form to submit a grievance, concern or complaint

Please use the form below to report grievances, concerns, or complaints about Earthworm Foundation, its activities, business practices, employment practices, or any of its employees or representatives. Earthworm strives to respond to all submissions promptly, fairly, and sensitively.  

Note: Do not use this form if you are experiencing an emergency or urgent crisis. Contact local emergency response or law enforcement. 

Anyone can use the form or contact information on this page to report grievances, concerns or complaints relating to Earthworm Foundation, its activities, business practices, employment practices, or any of its employees or representatives. Earthworm strives to respond to all submissions promptly, fairly, and sensitively.  

Do not use this form if you are experiencing an emergency or urgent crisis. Contact local emergency response or law enforcement. 

What to expect 

An internal Investigative Team (“the Team”) of no more than five (5) Earthworm employees and/or Board Members will be assigned to investigate your submission. Under no circumstances will this Team include any person who may be involved in your claim. Any information you provide will not be shared beyond this Team without your consent. If you provide contact information, the Team will contact you within 10 days of your submission and regularly thereafter until they adopt a final resolution. 

Anonymous submissions 

We do not require that you provide your name or any identifying information. However, we encourage you to provide contact information so we may ask follow-up questions, provide status updates, and collect your input on any potential remediation. Earthworm may be limited in our ability to investigate and provide adequate remediation for anonymous submissions without contact information. All submissions will be taken seriously regardless of the submitter's anonymity.  

Statement of non-retaliation 

Earthworm Foundation does not tolerate any form of retaliation, including but not limited to harassment, termination of employment, withholding of earned or promised benefits, and any other adverse action. Retaliation against those who raise grievances, concerns or complaints violates Earthworm’s values of honest transparency and an openness to transformation. Any Earthworm employee or representative who is found to have retaliated against someone who submitted a grievance, concern or complaint will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

Should we add the link to the Values in action commitment (as we intent to have them on our website) ? 

What to submit 

We request that you provide as much detail as you can, including: 

  • Identifying information for any people who were involved 
  • Dates, times and locations 
  • Possible evidence 

Click here to view our data privacy notice

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