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Ferrero responsible palm oil update
Ferrero responsible palm oil update
News 30 may 2014

Six months in, an update on our progress with Ferrero.

As of January 2019, The Forest Trust has become Earthworm Foundation.

Six months into our work with Ferrero, we are pleased to share an update on progress. Our work together is about building traceability in Ferrero’s palm oil supply chain in order to drive transformation and ensure the oil Ferrero buys is deforestation and exploitation-free.

Traceability is key to building an accurate picture of the supply chain and assessing practices on the ground. Today, 90% of Ferrero’s palm oil is traceable back to plantation, compared to 75% when its palm oil charter was published in November 2013. With the knowledge traceability is bringing, Ferrero and TFT have begun assessing supplier practices. Ensuring suppliers understand what Ferrero’s palm oil charter means to them is key to this, and much of the past six months has been about embedding this understanding.

We are on track to achieve our objective of reaching 100% traceability back to plantation by the end of 2014 and 100% compliance with the charter by the end of 2015. Ultimately this means consumers will be able to buy products that have no connection to deforestation or exploitation.

Ferrero update.

Noticias relacionadas:

Areas de trabajo:
Bosques saludables

Aceite de palma


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