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CSE Africa offers short and long courses that build local capacity on the ground.

CSE Africa offers short and long courses that build local capacity on the ground.

Centre of Social Excellence (CSE) Africa

Currently, there are too few social practitioners in Africa who can be hired to establish and run the social programmes which are needed to build and maintain good relationships between companies and local stakeholders. CSE Africa is a unique educational initiative that trains early-career professionals from regions where commodity production takes place to serve as social practitioners by helping companies, communities and governments to build systems for long-term collaboration and constructive relations.

Key activities

Long courses

CSE Africa offers ‘Short’ and ‘Long Courses’ for early career professionals. CSE Africa’s foundational training programme is the 11-month ‘Social Manager Long Course’ which serves recent university graduates and early career professionals from across sub-Saharan Africa. This course consists of 4 months of theoretical and practical training, followed by a 5-6 month internship with companies, NGOs and governments while still under the coaching of CSE trainers. The Long Course finishes with a 1-month session in which students document and share their internship projects. Students are then given career placement support that links them with potential employers who are seeking trained social practitioners.

Short courses

The CSE Africa ‘Short Courses’ are offered to professionals who are already employed but need to build key skills or learn new social management methods. These courses can be customised to different levels of companies, organisations, and governments based on the needs and requests of the organisations.


Thirty-five percent of the CSE Long Course graduates are women.
Ninety percent of graduates of the CSE Long Course are currently employed.
CSE graduates work in companies in the forestry, palm oil, rubber, and oil and gas sectors; as well as NGOs, consultancies and government agencies.

Noticias e historias

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