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News 9 Jul 2019

Our Rurality programme is collaborating with Biopalma, Nestlé and Cargill to transform the lives of palm oil smallholders in the Amazon. Our new film showcases the work we are doing in the region.

Satellite images show a sharp increase in clearance of trees in the Amazon over the first half of this year. Last week, the BBC reported that -- according to official figures -- the single biggest reason to fell trees is to create new pastures for cattle.

The Amazon forest is also the home to the world’s richest range of biodiversity, as well as being home to around one million indigenous people, who live, hunt and gather amid the trees. Many farm there for a living.

Can conservation and development be reconciled here? We are working with Cargill, Nestlé and oil palm farmers in Pará to try and achieve that. Watch our new film, The Palm Farmers of Pará, to find out more.

Berita Terkait:

Bidang Pekerjaan:
Healthy forests

Kelapa sawit

Nestlé Cargill


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