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Ferrero's third palm oil progress report shows 98% traceability to plantation
Ferrero's third palm oil progress report shows 98% traceability to plantation
News Nov 19, 2015

As well as commitment to working with TFT's Rurality programme to empower smallholders

As of January 2019, The Forest Trust has become Earthworm Foundation.

TFT member Ferrero has published its third progress report since issuing its Palm Oil Charter in November 2013, in which it committed to becoming a leader in the responsible transformation of the palm oil supply chain.

In its latest report, available here, Ferrero announced that it had gone beyond certification to map the sources of its palm all the way back to the plantation. During 2014, TFT assisted Ferrero with this mapping process. As of today, 98% by volume of the palm oil used in Ferrero products can be traced back to plantations where the fruit was grown.

TFT and Ferrero have also been working together with palm suppliers to implement improvements in worker conditions and commitments to No Deforestation and No Exploitation, and to further include smallholder farmers. Currently, 5.15% of Ferrero’s palm is supplied from approximately 27.5 thousand smallholders; Ferrero has committed to working with TFT’s new programme Rurality to help empower farmer leadership and rural innovation.

TFT will continue working with Ferrero to achieve full traceability, and then transformation, in its palm oil supply chain.

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