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Tomé-Açu Landscape, Brazil

Tomé-Açu Landscape, Brazil

Tomé-Açu Landscape, Brazil

Empowering Communities for Nature-Positive and Conflict-Free Supply Chains

Tomé-Açu micro-region in the state of Pará, in the northern region of Brazil, faces a delicate balance between vulnerable rural communities caught in long-standing land-right conflicts and expanding supply chains that source raw materials in the Amazon Biome. To address these tensions, a rights-based approach is adopted, with the ultimate goal of fostering nature-positive and conflict-free supply chains.

The program aims to improve the well-being of families connected to palm oil, cocoa, tropical fruits, and fragrances supply chains, focusing on income, property management, food security, economic resilience, entrepreneurship, and gender equality.


Protect and regenerate Amazon forests

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Strengthen family farms and develop food security

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Secure land rights and peaceful co-existence with agribusiness

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Gender empowerment

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Promote agroforestry systems as a regenerative agriculture tool

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Strengthen Associations and Cooperatives

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Impacts to Date

173,200 ha of land

in Tomé-Açu benefited from land management within a Palm Oil landscape from this work

400 Farmers Engaged

Small rural producers trained in sustainable agricultural practices; 10 rural businesses supported; collaborative business plans & management training and network formed

120 Women trained in Leadership

Empowering women is an essential goal of the work with smallholders and has been a focus of our work. After a diagnosis, and definition of vocations, an Action Plan to develop leadership skills among women is underway


Lead funders

  • Cargill


  • General Mills
  • Givaudan
  • Lavazza
  • CNHi
  • Agropalma
  • Alter-Eco Foundation
  • Belem Bionergia Brasil (BBB)

Project Partners

  • Natura
  • World Forestry Centre (ICRAF)
  • Agropalma

Our field team

Andresa Dias

Tomé-Açu Landscape Coordinator

Bruno Marianno

Tomé-Açu Landscape Environmental Specialist

Eric Batista

Tomé-Açu Landscape Smallholders Specialist

Roberto Sartori

Tomé-Açu Landscape Social Specialist

Raquel Costa

Tomé-Açu Landscape Project Officer

Edivan Mathias

Tomé-Açu Landscape Project Officer

Maurício Campos

Tomé-Açu Landscape Project Officer

Hemelyn Soares

Tomé-Açu Landscape Project Officer

Key Commodities