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Our Projects

A collaborative approach to protecting Sweden's natural forests

Hauts-de-France, France

The Protéi'Sol addresses critical challenges in protein crop production and aims to reconnect plant and animal production systems at a…

Tomé-Açu Landscape, Brazil

Tomé-Açu Landscape, Brazil


Aquafeed: The Sustainable Initiative

Artisanal small-scale (ASM) Gold mining

Artisanal small-scale (ASM) Gold mining

Longitudinal Landscape, Perú

Longitudinal Landscape, Perú

Labour Transformation Programme (LTP)

Labour Transformation Programme (LTP) in Malaysia

Riau Landscape, Indonesia

Riau Landscape, Indonesia


Ensemble: Addressing community engagement & human rights challenges in businesses, across supply chains & investment portfolios.

Sabah Landscape, Malaysia

Sabah Landscape, Malaysia

Soubré, Côte d’Ivoire

Soubré Landscape, Côte d’Ivoire

Chiapas Landscape, Mexico

Chiapas Landscape, Mexico